Son diplôme d’études Musicales en jazz obtenu, Guillaume étudie l’arrangement au Conservatoire de Paris 9ème avec Pierre Bertrand. Attiré par les musiques africaines et afro-américaines, il multiplie les rencontres, concerts et autres projets (jazz, funk, musiques africaines, etc.).
Aujourd’hui, il est le bassiste du groupe Rooftop et continue ses collaborations.
Discographie : Trevor et Lisa, the Workshop, Kami quintet extension, Utopik collectif
Bass player
After obtaining his diploma in jazz-oriented Music Studies, Guillaume learned about arranging music at the Conservatoire de Paris 9ème (music academy) with Pierre Bertrand.
Attracted to African and Afro-American music, he worked with many different people and on different
projects (jazz, funk, African music) as well as giving various concerts.
Today, he plays bass for Rooftop as well as continuing to work with other musicians.